Areas of Learnings

What are the main areas of learning and development?

Communication and language development

Providing an environment for young children to express themselves and speak and listen in a range of situations allows them to develop their language and communication skills.

Physical development

We all know that young children often love to be active, but they also need to understand that continued physical activity as well as healthy food choices are important, and why.

Personal, social, and emotional development

This area helps to shape children’s social skills and develops respect and an understanding of their different feelings.

Literacy development

It’s important for children to discover phonemic awareness – the ability to hear and identify different words and sounds, and also to start reading and writing.


Children need to be guided in developing skills with numbers and calculations, as well as being able to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.

Understanding the world

This involves children making sense of things by observing and exploring everything from the places they spend time to the technology and other things that they use.

Expressive arts and design

Activities like drawing, playing with paint, instruments or technology all give children the chance to express themselves and learn new things.

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